​Springbrook Country Club
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on the Foundation
“Over 100 Years of Staying the Course”
Springbrook Historical Golf Foundation
Beginning Basics and FAQ
What is the purpose of the Springbrook Historical Golf Foundation (SHGF)?
The SHFG is organized exclusively for the charitable purpose of supporting Springbrook Country Club with a focus on the preservation of our historic golf course; promotion of the game of golf; and programs which support the opportunity to learn, play and enjoy the game of golf.
Why does Springbrook need a 501(c)3 and what are the benefits?
As a 501©3, the SHGF will accept contributions by individuals and organizations which are tax deductible. Additionally, the SHGF will be eligible for grants that Springbrook Country Club, a 501c(7), was not eligible for.
While support of the SHGF can be used for immediate needs or projects, there is also the opportunity to establish an endowment which would provide funding support into perpetuity.
Why now?
We recently learned of two other historic courses which were successful in securing 501(c)3 approval from the IRS. The creation of our 501(c)3 tax-exempt SHGF will provide much needed support for ongoing course maintenance and preservation of the course. Monies received from the SHGF will provide relief from general course operating budget and support projects identified by course staff and the Springbrook Board of Directors.
How is the SHGF governed and what is the relationship with the Springbrook Board of Directors?
The SHGF is a separate organization with a nine-member board of directors and its own governing structure. The sole purpose of the SHGF is to support Springbrook. The Springbrook board president serves on the SHGF as an ex-offico member and is the conduit to communication with the Springbrook Board of Directors.
Who is on the SHGF board of directors?
Leah Berst Washmon John Peavey - President
Tom Dittmer Stan Reeg
Will Froeschle Kathy Rollings - Secretary
Pat Henricksen – Vice President Paul Schnack - Treasurer
Christy Kunz – Ex Officio
How will the SHGF secure funding support?
While planning is just underway, there will be opportunities for support from individuals, organizations, memorials/bequests, grants, and special events. Should you be interested in making a year-end gift, click here for a gift/pledge form. All donors will be recognized for their support.
What’s next?
As the SHGF is just being formed, more details will be forthcoming. Feel free to contact SHGF board members with questions or suggestions.